German Research Special Interest Group

Picture of a German Flag
Meeting location is at the Danville Family History Center on the fourth Wednesday of the month from  1 p..m. - 2:45 p.m.  Many members also belong to the Sacramento German Genealogical Society and attend their monthly meetings.
  1. Help each other with their German research by sharing knowledge and experience
  2. Provide encouragement and suggestions for further research
  3. Share resources and talents with those in need Translation of Books, Maps, etc.
  4. Socialization 
    • March - German restaurant
    • August - Summer break
    • September - Oktoberfest with potluck. A German luncheon prepared by members
    • December - Winter break
Karen LaDuca is the SIG Leader.  Please contact Karen for more information or to let her know you're attending a meeting..
June 5, 2024