FamilySearch Special Interest Group

Picture of FamilySearch LogoThe FamilySearch SIG will teach you about the best free genealogy website on the internet. A major feature is its one world, family tree that you can update, with over one and a half billion people. It also has records from all over the world which verify birth, marriage and death dates/places. There is a full set of U.S. Census records including downloadable images. There are more than 3,300 collections of indexed records, millions of unindexed, but organized microfilm records and hundreds of thousands of books available online.
At each meeting we will discuss different parts of FamilySearch. The main areas are Help, Search, Family Tree, Memories, Indexing and Activities. has proved so popular that many 3rd party programs have been developed that extend its use. For example http://relative will find show exact relationships and common ancestors going back as many as fifteen generations. There are a number of games including Geneapardy.... similar to the TV program, Jeopardy, that ask questions about relatives in your family tree. Several family tree lineage programs interact with FamilySearch, for example Legacy Family Tree and RootsMagic.
Guests are welcome and are encouraged to join our Society. Our meetings will all be on Zoom.
FamilySearch SIG – 2nd Monday - 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. on Zoom except August and December. 
Here are some links to various areas within FamilySearch. You may have to get your free FamilySearch login ID and password to access them
SIG Leader: Bill George -  
June 20, 2024